Bubba O'Leary's
This is one from the archives as I'm so buried in work that I haven't had time to shoot anything at all. Bubba O'Leary's is in Chimney Rock, North Carolina, in the Blue Ridge Mountains, about 25 exceptionally winding miles from Asheville, NC. I mean, EXCEPTIONALLY winding miles. (They're fun to drive though doing it in a minivan knocks down the fun quotient just a bit.)
There is Chimney Rock, the rock, and Chimney Rock, the town. The rock is part of a privately owned park that's open to the public (for a fee) with miles of hiking trails plus a 400-odd foot waterfall. And, of course, there's the rock ... this giant outcropping poking up out of the trees ... which you can climb to the top of. Info on the park is here. The town of Chimney Rock, at the base of the rock, is an almost (but not quite) cute little tourist town with any number of places selling junk that no tourist in their right mind would buy (though some must) plus a few selling coffee, ice cream, etc.
This was just a quick grab shot with my Canon S330 as I walked down the street. It was worked over a bit in Photoshop to mess with the color.