These are on the front porch of my house. I was backing out of the driveway one afternoon, noticed the light slanting across them, grabbed my camera, jumped out of the car, and shot. I see these things every day yet had never noticed them in this way before. I guess those things we take for granted are often ignored.
UPDATE 01/02/05: I decided to submit this for the Photo Friday Challenge, "Best of 2004." After looking back at the things I shot this year — some of which I like, some of which I don't — I ended up landing on this one as being what I'm happiest with. If I had to pick subject matter, I'd go with this shot instead. And while I vastly prefer the subject matter of the family shot, photographically it's probably only fair at best.
So that's it for 2004. For 2005, I'm hoping to post better images, and more often, too. Happy New Year!