January 1, 2021
New Year’s Day ice. Leica Q processed in Capture One.
Happy 2021! We finally made it out of the horror of 2020 — though at this point things aren’t any different than yesterday. But rather than rehash all the ways 2020 sucked, I thought I’d look forward to what will hopefully turn into a better year for everyone.
For this new year, I’m giving myself three challenges:
To improve my drawing, mainly cartooning, skills.
To continue practicing guitar so that I can move beyond “Smoke on the Water.”
To post a picture a week here in the Journal.
I’ll skip writing about #1 and #2 until another time but want to focus on #3. I had considered starting a 365 Project (Official site: https://365project.org/. A photographer who did the project right: Jonas Rask). I’ve thought about starting this for the last several years but always talk myself out of it. I know myself well enough to realize that posting daily would last about two weeks until I got bored or overwhelmed with work at which point I’d blow it off until sometime in March when guilt would force me to restart the project yielding another failure after another two weeks, maybe. Stick-with-it-ness is not one of my finer skills.
So I’m challenging myself to do a 52 Project. Yep, one photo a week. It’s like 365 Project Lite. I ought to be able to do that, right? It will only be 1/7 as stressful as a real 365 Project and should be do-able even for easily bored and distracted me. I can, of course, post more often than once a week, if inspired to do so, but at least once is required. I’ll attempt to shoot and post in the same week though since I’ve started shooting some film again, there may be the occasional processing delay.
So away we go! I hope you and your family and friends all have a much improved year. I’ll see you here again next week.