So THAT'S Bok Choy?
This photo might be useful to you someday in the unlikely event that your wife/husband/partner sends you to the grocery store with bok choy on the list.
Me (on cell phone): "Uhhh, I can't read your writing. It looks like book-something-or-other." Her: "That's 'bok choy.'" Me: "Bok what?" Her: "Bok choy." Me: "Huh? What the hell's THAT?" Her: "It's kind of like Asian lettuce." (I later learn it's actually a kind of cabbage but it looks like weird Romaine lettuce.) Me: "Oh, boy. This should be fun." Thanks to the Dierberg's produce manager who helped me find this and lemongrass (which, by the way, is much less photogenic than bok choy.)